I should never forget this day 2010/07/25, the day I got admission to be a formal teacher in elementary school.
The moment I got the call from Peggy, she congratulated me and announced the good news.
I could not stop crying for the happiness and release all my pressure all at once.
I am very happy that I shared the good news with my dear family at the first second.
Finally I do not break my parets' expection.
I am really a formal teacher.

I really think that I am so lucky.
Thanks to God that I did not get to much torture to get a formal job.
In the process of taking tests, a lot of people support me, help me, encourage me.
Daddy and Mommy gave me financial support and spiritual support all the time.
So that I don't have  have to worry but just concentrate on my test.
Classmates in college and graduate school also gave me a lot of help.
They helped me gather textbooks, told me the tips of interview,  made teaching material, gave me suggestions of teaching demonstration and accompanied me  all the time.
I am really touched by all of these.
I should never forget about their kindness forever.
I love you all. Thank you so much.

Also, I have to remember my original intension forever.
Be a good teacher in my whole life career.

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